Mocc conferences
Panel recordingS
Video Description: This is a recording from the panel discussion that occurred during our 2021 Virtual Conference, which focused on the opioid crisis during the COVID-19 pandemic.
Thank you to our incredible speakers Dr. Norm Buckley, Dr. Lisa Carlesso, Nazlee Maghsoudi, Faisal Khawaja, and Dr. Jason Busse!
Video Description: This is a recording of the presentations and panel discussion that occurred during our 2023 Virtual Conference, which focused on the opioid crisis in rural communities.
A huge thank you to our incredible speakers Dr. Nicole Adams, Dr. Suzan Walters, and Dr. Ginette Poulin!
Shared Resources
Following is a list of resources shared during the event by our incredible speakers.
Preliminary Patterns in circumstances surrounding opioid-related deaths in ontario during the covid-19 pandemic
opioid mortality surveillance report
toronto’s drug checking service
Canadian pain task force
National overdose response service (NORS)